Life is meant to be lived to the fullest. But how do you live the good life when there is so much noise? I believe there are a few key ideas to firmly wrap your head around in order to shut out the noise and distractions, and really get down to the business of living a good life. This list is in no particular order of importance, it’s simply a collection of actionable items that will tip the scales in your favor towards living your best life and achieving good health and longevity.

  1. Take a Time-Out: Sometimes you just have to get quiet. We all need to hit the pause button now and then so that we can listen to what’s going on in our hearts and our minds. If you’re living a crazy life that never seems to slow down so that you can take a moment to breathe, it is up to you to slow it down. I’m not saying that this is an easy task, but it is necessary once in a while. My favorite way to create a little time-out for myself is to get up early and take an hour to rest and think. It’s a challenge to quiet my mind, but even a few minutes of meditation or a walk outside in the crisp morning air helps me clear my mind and reset. Go for a drive. Take a bath. Journal. Read a chapter in a book before bed. Lock your bedroom door for 30 minutes. Whatever you can manage and feels right to you – do that. Just don’t put your wellbeing on the backburner. If you want to live a good life, carving out time for you must be a priority.
  2. Eat for Good Health: Keep it simple. There is no need to get caught up in the confusion of what’s healthy versus what’s “bad” for you. When you focus on consuming mostly whole foods that have not undergone processing with additive and preservatives – you know that you’re fueling your body with good, wholesome anti-aging foods to help your body function as nature intended! The Mediterranean Diet is truly a lifestyle (not a “diet”) that prioritizes consuming fresh fruits, vegetable, whole grains, healthy fats and protein sources. It’s no accident that the Mediterranean region of the world is widely known for a longer life expectancy!
  3. Take Your Vitamins: No matter how hard we try, sometimes it can feel impossible to get all of the recommended daily vitamins and minerals from food sources that are essential for good health. My suggestion…find yourself an adult multivitamin that is right for you. It’s always a good idea to check with your health care provider to make sure they approve, of course. Ever since I visited my family doctor and was shocked to find out that I was deficient in certain essential vitamins and had high cholesterol, I’ve been taking this multivitamin to supplement my nutrition. Do your due diligence and pick one that supports you in the areas that you need a boost, or feel free to try this one. Yes, I do have an affiliate link and I receive a small commission if you purchase through my link…but I recommend it because it’s a good one!
  4. Feel Alive: The average life expectancy is age 74 for men and age 80 for women in North America, according to Sadly though, many people stop REALLY LIVING much sooner in life, while their pulse would indicate they are in fact, medically alive. The remedy? While the specifics will vary by individual, generally speaking, find a way to LAUGH, LEARN, and LOVE – everyday. Try something new. Visit a friend. Take a class. Start a business. Take up a new hobby you’ve been wanting to try. Go to a new restaurant. Just do whatever it is that sparks a little fire in you…and then nurture that spark so you can create a fulfilling and enjoyable life for as long as you can! Going through life is not living unless you do things that make you really FEEL alive. This is a really important one for living the good life.
  5. Stay Strong: Living a good life requires taking care of your mind and your body. Building habits into your regular daily routine which support a positive mind and a strong body will pay dividends over and over again – and you will never regret making it a priority. I promise. And when these practices are embedded into the fiber of your day, it becomes as easy as brushing your teeth. To keep my mind strong and positive, I think about things that I’m grateful for while I’m in the shower and I practice deep breathing at the same time. I also read something positive, usually a personal development book, as I have my coffee in the morning. I save positive quotes and affirmations to my photos as I scroll on social media because I follow people who give off those positive vibes. And I often listen to a positive mindset podcast or audiobook when I’m driving alone. As for maintaining physical strength, it may take less effort than you think. Depending on your fitness level, you may wish to start small or maybe you’re down for 30-60 minutes of movement a day. Those specifics are not important. What’s important is that you just start making it a habit to do SOMETHING! I’ve worked at developing a morning routine that has little cues that trigger my brain to do some exercise before I get ready for work. Here’s what my morning looks like. I have a coffee & read for about 30 minutes. When I close the book, that’s my cue to do some deep breathing, clear my mind, and release tension. I usually only do this for a minute or two. Next I journal for about 15-20 minutes, most days. When I am done, I put my notebook on my desk which is my cue to roll out my exercise mat. And that’s my cue to open an app for a quick 5-20 minute workout…depending on how much time I have, or my frame of mind. I feel it out, and I don’t beat myself up if I only do a quick workout. It is still better than nothing, and I’m still building the habit of exercising regularly. Whether the workout was ultra short or a bit longer, I purposefully think about how good it feels to have done it! This release of endorphins from working out and feeling proud of myself for doing some form of exercise helps to create a positive association towards exercise that keeps me doing it every day. I like to use the Nike Training Center app most often because it has lots of variety of workout types and lengths. And after the workout I shower and practice gratitude. This routine helps keep my mind and body strong and feeling energetic!
  6. Love The Skin You’re In: Lastly, just give your body and your skin some LOVE! Your skin serves some very important functions for your body. It is quite literally the body’s first layer of defense against illness and injury, it helps provide protection for your internal organs, it regulates body temperature, and IS the largest organ in the body! Providing adequate protection and support to ensure you maintain healthy skin is sometimes overlooked, but certainly warrants some real attention. So first, give both your body and your skin some love and appreciation for all that it does for you! It is an incredible being! When your skin is in good condition, it FEELS GOOD, doesn’t it! A few things you can do to protect your skin are, of course, use a good sunscreen, don’t smoke, eat a healthy diet, cleanse your skin gently, and get adequate sleep. At the age of 42, I’m very mindful of the beauty products that I choose. I’ve tried many anti aging creams and serums, but I must say that taking an inside out approach to skincare has been most effective for me to reduce and slow the signs of aging. This my favorite anti aging supplement and my go-to anti aging cream and serum. It’s helped turn back my clock a few years and is worth every penny to me!

Living the good life is the ultimate goal. It’s truly about creating your own happiness from the inside out. This can be achieved when we love ourselves, find ways to help others, nurture the relationships that mean the most to us, and do the things that bring us joy. That’s what it’s all about.

xo Chelsey

This blog post contains affiliate links. This means if you make a purchase from the link, I benefit with a small commission. I promote products that I use and love and share with anyone who is looking to solve a problem.

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