Want to know the secret to living a good life?

It’s simple.

  1. Nurture & make time for relationships that matter.
  2. Do what is meaningful to you.
  3. Protect your peace.

Allow me to expand on these just a little – not too much, because the simplicity of it is what makes it doable.

1 – Relationships

Having people you know you can
count on is everything.

The first one is the most important one of course. Whether it is family or friends, making time for those who are important to us is what life is ultimately about. If you ask someone who’s nearing the end of their life whether they have any regrets, their answer is never going to be that they wish they’d worked more or bought more expensive things. NO! It’s always about spending time with loved ones – having deeper relationships with family members or close friends. So make the call. Send the text. Go for coffee or lunch. Make plans. And let them know they matter to you – nurture and cherish those relationships, because THAT is what living a good life is meant to be about.

“Success is not the key to happiness…happiness is the key to success.

If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.”

– Albert Schweitzer

2 – Make it Meaningful

Have you ever thought about your unique ability? Something that you are uniquely good at that serves an important purpose in the lives of others. Or do you have a feeling deep inside of you, a feeling so compelling that it’s almost a sense of knowing it’s what you’re meant for? Whatever it may be, don’t ignore it or shrug it off as an impossible dream. Those feelings, inklings, dreams – whatever you want to call them – they are what you NEED to pay attention to and start giving energy to.

One of the greatest indicators of happiness comes from doing what is meaningful to you. So don’t deny that feeling of passion you have for something – even if you think it is unconventional and other people wouldn’t understand. The thing is that they may not understand…because it isn’t meant for them – it is meant for YOU! You get one life. Don’t drift through it on autopilot, just doing the things that everyone else does – listen to that feeling. Make your life meaningful.

3 – Protect Your Peace

“Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace.”

Dalai Lama

I firmly believe that learning how to protect your peace is one of the top 3 things necessary to live a good life. If you’re in a constant state of drama, unrest, or discontent, it’s tough to feel happy. So if a blissful life is one of your goals, it’s pretty darn important to learn how to protect your peace. Here’s what I’ve found helps me protect my peace, maybe it’ll help you too…

  • Limit time spent with or attention given to people who disrupt your peace. If someone brings drama or disrupts your happiness or state of peacefulness, limit their access to you and the energy you give to them. If they constantly bring you down, you may need to evaluate whether or not you can maintain a relationship with them at all.
  • Learn to let go of the things you have no control over. This can be challenging, I know, but it is critical. There is no point in giving your energy to things you cannot change.
  • Return to your breath. Yep, I hear it too – it sounds cheesy. I only put it on the list because it actually works. Make it slow and deep, and drop your shoulders. See, it helps. And bonus if you do your deep breathing outside!
  • Find something that elicits that state of peacefulness within you, like a happy calm, and do it often. You’ll know it when you find it, because it feeds your energy rather than draining it. I have a few things that you’re welcome to try and see if they do it for you too. I love getting up early, before anyone else is up when the house is quiet, and having a cup of coffee while reading a book on the couch with my dog, Poppy. Other things that I find bring me peace are being near water, walking on a back road or a bush trail, and just spending time alone – I love the quiet!

Sometimes those who boost your happiness are not always human…this smile always brings my level of happy up a notch or two!

“Whatever brings you joy…do more of that!”

-Chelsey Lowry

Above is my personal mantra, and this is how I choose to live my life. Every minute of every day is not always filled with happiness…because that is not realistic. Through the challenges of life we learn and we grow. Without them we wouldn’t become the people we are meant to become. Living “the good life” is really all about growth, and learning to embrace our unique essence so we can create a positive impact in the lives of others. And it is through our relationships, meaningful work and peaceful existence that we may accomplish this goal.

Cheers to the good life!

xo Chelsey

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