Hi, Iā€™m Chelsey Lowry

Owner/Founder, The Health & Happiness Blog

So nice to meet you! Thanks for checking out The Health & Happiness Blog. I’m here writing this blog because throughout my lifetime, I’ve been on a constant journey of seeking ways of creating a better life. What I’ve found is that it always comes back to two things…being happy and being healthy. This is what I think matters most in life.

Let me tell you a little bit about myself and my life, to give some context to this idea. I live in Canada with my two kids and our golden doodle. I’ve been divorced now for over 8 years and my ex and I co-parent at a fairly decent level of functionality! Man it was a struggle for a while…but I can proudly say that I am probably at the happiest point I’ve ever been in my life. It’s certain taken some figuring sh*t out to get here. I have learned many things that weren’t even on my radar a few short years ago, and I discovered them simply because I became very intentional about creating a better life. And so I’ve created this blog to share these things with you!

I’ve been in my professional career as a teacher for over 16 years, I have a successful online business that offers health and wellness products for over 7 years now, and I decided that it was time to start a blog! My kids are both teenagers and have shifted to spending a little more time with friends, so it seemed like the right time. My son is 14 and is wild about dirt bikes (and girls), and my daughter is 13 and would spend every waking moment with her horses if she could. That leaves me a little extra time these days with our golden doodle, Poppy, as well as time to figure out the blogging world. So here I am šŸ™‚ I hope that you’ll continue to pop by from time to time to see what I have to share.

xo Chelsey