I am so happy you’ve arrived here! I firmly believe that things always happen for a reason, so you landing in this little corner of the internet at this moment is no accident. You may be like me and are working on creating greater levels of health and happiness in your life, and that is how you found this blog. If not, well perhaps the universe has sent you here to start on a new path towards better health and happiness. Either way…you’re here so you might as well check it out!

The purpose, or mission I suppose, of this blog is to share stories, ideas, and maybe even a little wisdom that I’ve gathered along my journey of growth in my 42 years. Nope, I don’t have all the answers, but I’ve always had a curious mind that loves to figure things out and seek mini personal lessons every time I fail. Sometimes the lessons are much greater…depending on the magnitude of the fail! I’ve maybe even gotten a little smarter over the years and have begun to be more proactive by reading, listening to podcasts, and applying lessons to avoid fails! (look at me go) So this is what you can expect to find here each week – a story or a personal reflection of something I’ve learned, which I feel may be of value to others. I’ve become more and more intentional about how I live my life, and as a result have created a degree of health and happiness that is what I feel like I’ve been chasing for a long time.

You may want to pop on over to the About section next to find out a little more about my story next…or jump right in and read about some tips on Health and Happiness.

Thanks for stopping in.

xo Chelsey

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